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We all find a generous amount of design tools on the Internet, but truth is, just some of them are really efficient. We have made your job a lot easier by writing a list with the best ones that will for sure help you in finishing your projects.

我们都在Internet上找到了大量的设计工具,但事实是,其中只有一些确实有效。 通过编写包含最佳列表的列表,我们可以使您的工作轻松很多,这些列表肯定会帮助您完成项目。

Ultimatum is a handy tool to have, as it makes custom designs much simpler and efficient, reducing the production time considerably. It is one of the most valuable in the WordPress market and we affirm that it is a really powerful tool that is worth every penny. Why?

Ultimatum是一种方便的工具,因为它使定制设计变得更加简单和高效,从而大大缩短了生产时间。 它是WordPress市场上最有价值的工具之一,我们确认它是一个非常强大的工具,值得每一分钱。 为什么?

It gives you the ability to build a WordPress theme from scratch, by using their drag and drop builder, which lets you create your own layouts, boxed width or custom dimensions. All you have to do is to drag and drop your desired elements directly in the header or the footer sections in your template, but of course that takes effort if you want it to look really professional. However, if you want to give a little bit of style to the theme, you are free to use Ultimatum’s CSS editors that will give you a full control of your web site’s unique aspect.

通过使用拖放构建器,它使您能够从头开始构建WordPress主题,该主题使您可以创建自己的布局,装箱的宽度或自定义尺寸。 您所需要做的就是直接将所需的元素拖放到模板的页眉或页脚部分中,但是如果您希望它看起来很专业,那么当然会费力。 但是,如果您想给主题添加一点样式,可以自由使用UltimatumCSS编辑器,该编辑器将完全控制您网站的独特方面。

Finally, some other functions include the Ten Menu Scripts, providing you with ten different menus that you can use as much as you want, many Custom Widgets, Slideshows that you can add to your site simply by dragging them or a big Font Library with 600+ Google fonts.

最后,其他一些功能包括“十个菜单脚本”,可为您提供十个不同的菜单,您可以随意使用它们;许多“自定义小部件”,可通过拖动将其添加到站点的幻灯片或具有600个字体的大型字体库+ Google字体。

is an amazing tool that will improve your work. With just a few clicks you can start testing your website in different browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari, and different operating systems, such as Windows XP, Windows 7 and 8, Mac OSX, iOS, Android and Linux. With Browserling you can make sure your website works correctly in all the browsers on all these systems in seconds. (Currently all Windows versions are supported but authors say Androids, iOS, OSX and Linux will be added soon.)

是一个惊人的工具,这将提高您的工作。 只需单击几下,您便可以在不同的浏览器(例如Internet Explorer,Firefox,Chrome,Opera和Safari)以及不同的操作系统(例如Windows XP,Windows 7和8,Mac OSX,iOS,Android和Linux。 使用Browserling,可以确保您的网站在几秒钟内在所有这些系统上的所有浏览器中都能正常运行。 (目前支持所有Windows版本,但作者表示将很快添加Android,iOS,OSX和Linux。)

Browserling has some really nice features that you’ll discover if you give it a try. For example, it lets you test your local applications in Browserling’s browsers through a secure SSH tunnel before publishing them online. It has a Bug Hunter, which lets you quickly pinpoint design issues and bugs on websites and send bug reports with one click, and with Browserling’s own browser extension you can test your website with one click. Finally, in the near future you’ll even be able to record videos of browsers and share the screen! !

如果您尝试一下,Browserling具有一些非常好的功能。 例如,它可以让您通过安全的SSH隧道在Browserling的浏览器中测试本地应用程序,然后在线发布它们。 它具有一个Bug Hunter,可让您快速查明网站上的设计问题和bug并一键发送错误报告,而Browserling自己的浏览器扩展程序则可一键测试您的网站。 最后,在不久的将来,您甚至可以录制浏览器的视频并共享屏幕! !

Do you need a professional and fast way to create a landing page? Are you just setting out into the marketplace? Everybody has a friend that is using Instapage. It is exactly what you are looking for, as its aim is to help you understand how easily you can build quality-landing pages with little effort. When creating one, you will be provided with a variety of templates to choose from in Mobile, Real Estate, Sales or Lead Generation, all featuring very strong CTAs. Also, regarding the customization, you can start with a blank template that will give you the freedom of making it how you wish, or you can use their existing designs, including their stock images or uploading yours, to your heart’s content. In addition, the templates are very modern. Most of them stretch across the screen, which is great. Also, if you do not like the design, you can simply turn it off, so that it matches your desired needs.

您是否需要专业快速的方法来创建目标网页? 您是刚刚进入市场吗? 每个人都有一个使用Instapage的朋友。 这正是您要寻找的,因为它的目的是帮助您了解如何轻松地构建高质量的着陆页。 创建模板时,将为您提供多种模板,供您在移动,房地产,销售或销售线索生成中进行选择,所有模板均具有非常强大的CTA。 此外,关于自定义,您可以从空白模板开始,该模板将使您可以自由地按自己的意愿进行设置,或者可以使用其现有设计,包括其库存图像或将其上传到您的内心。 此外,模板非常现代。 他们中的大多数人都在屏幕上伸展,这很棒。 另外,如果您不喜欢该设计,则可以将其关闭,以使其符合您的需求。

Try it once and you will never let it go!


MVP ready is a simple and ready to use tool in order start your new project as soon as possible. You can purchase a Single Use License which can be used for a single project, only for $20, a Multiple Use License, which can be used for more than one installations of an application and costs $75, or an Extended Use License, at the price of $525, which can be used for a project you intend to redistribute or resell. provides a Live Demo in order to ensure the buyers that they are making the right choice.

MVP ready是一个简单易用的工具,可以尽快启动您的新项目。 您可以按价格购买可用于单个项目的“单次使用许可证”,价格仅为20美元;可以购买多次使用的许可证,可以用于多个应用程序的安装,费用为75美元;或者可以购买“长期使用的许可证”,价格为75美元。 525美元,可用于您打算重新分发或转售的项目。 提供了一个现场演示,以确保买家做出正确的选择。

Anybody can capture website screenshots if they use Shrink the Web, a really great website with which you can capture, crop, shrink, save, upload or display them automatically with only a screenshot plugin or a single line of code that you have to copy then paste into the bar situated on the homepage of the website.


PowerMockup is a website that works as a toolkit for PowerPoint helping you make your presentations more interactive. You can use it to create wireframes and mockups for websites, but it works on mobile and desktop applications too. Being really simple and fun to use, you just have to select shapes or icons from PowerMockup and drag them into a PowerPoint slide.

PowerMockup是一个网站,可作为PowerPoint的工具包,帮助您使演示文稿更具交互性。 您可以使用它为网站创建线框和模型,但它也可以在移动和桌面应用程序上使用。 使用起来非常简单有趣,您只需从PowerMockup中选择形状或图标,然后将它们拖到PowerPoint幻灯片中即可。

Ultra is the most powerful and flexible WordPress theme created by Themify, giving you the chance to design any site quickly and beautifully. By using it, thanks to its drag and drop builder, you will take full control of the theme design from header to footer, so that it fits your desires!

Ultra是Themify创建的功能最强大,最灵活的WordPress主题,使您有机会快速,精美地设计任何网站。 通过使用它,借助它的拖放生成器,您将完全控制主题设计,从页眉到页脚,使其符合您的需求!

TeslaThemes is a Polish based company whose purpose is to give you the chance to express yourself through your websites by using awesome designs and advanced features. Besides the WordPress Themes and many more, you get a responsive design, which is adjusting, according to your screen resolution.

TeslaThemes是一家波兰公司,其目的是让您有机会使用令人敬畏的设计和高级功能,通过您的网站来表达自己。 除了WordPress主题等等,您还可以根据屏幕分辨率进行响应设计,该设计正在调整。

Its easy customization process where users can place any content module and custom widgets as required is what Create, a WordPress theme by ThemeTrust, is known for. It gives you a wide range of styling option and “Custom Header” is the best part of its styling list.

其易于定制的过程(用户可以根据需要放置任何内容模块和自定义小部件)是众所周知的,Create(创建)是ThemeTrust的WordPress主题。 它为您提供了多种样式选项,“自定义标题”是样式列表中最好的部分。

SnapPages is a great website builder that makes it easier to edit and design a blog or a website no matter the theme that you choose for it. To edit a HTML 5 page you just have to drag and drop and you can use it on computer or even on your tablet. They have a lot of different designs and proffesional themes to fit everyone making it able to change colors, fonts or even more advanced stuff like dimensions or typography while keeping a modern vibe.

SnapPages是一个出色的网站构建器,无论您为它选择什么主题,它都使编辑和设计博客或网站变得更加容易。 要编辑HTML 5页面,您只需拖放即可在计算机甚至平板电脑上使用它。 它们具有许多不同的设计和专业主题,以适合所有人,使其能够在保持现代氛围的同时更改颜色,字体甚至是更高级的内容(例如尺寸或版式)。

Looking for premium WordPress themes? MH Themes is specialized in this area, providing you with lots of high-quality themes, suitable for modern online magazines, dynamic news websites or professional blogs.

寻找高级WordPress主题? MH主题专门从事这一领域,可为您提供许多高质量的主题,适用于现代在线杂志,动态新闻网站或专业博客。

In conclusion, we hope you enjoyed our list of tools and have fun using them!





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